Send us your fondest PC Gamer memories to be printed in our 20th anniversary issue

PC Gamer is approaching its 20th birthday! To mark the occassion, we're packing all manner of exuberant celebration, considered retrospection and optimistic futurism into the anniversary issue of our magazine. We'll have more details on what we've got planned closer to the time, but before then, we'd like you to join the festivities. With words!

To be printed in the magazine, send your fondest memories of the past 20 years and 259 issues of PC Gamer to . It doesn't have to be something dramatic, like that time we saved your life. Maybe we wrote a feature you liked, introduced you to a game you loved, or perhaps covered something that you made.

This is for the Send section of the mag, so we're prioritising letters, rather than just name-checks of your favourite articles. Even so, keep them to a short-ish length - we can only take so much praise before we get all embarrassed and bashful.

As you'll see from the email address above, we're too busy shovelling up handfuls of cake to man the Send cannon ourselves. Thanks Richard!

And thanks readers! You're all great. Probably.


PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games—starting in 1993 with the magazine, and then in 2010 with this website you're currently reading. We have writers across the US, Canada, UK and Australia, who you can read about here.