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Google Reader Shutdown a Sobering Reminder That 'Our' Technology Isn't Ours

Updated Apr 12, 2013, 02:29pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

When Google announced Wednesday night that it was shutting down its Reader product, it was met with a reaction that was not only furious but personal. Many angered Reader-ites took to Twitter, looking for some outlet to express their anger, with some shouting “Save Our Reader!” in the hope that Google would hear their cries and keep their product alive.

Within the root of that protest, however, lies the problem. Google Reader was never anyone’s Reader but Google’s and, by virtue of ownership, Google was always free to do with it what it wanted. On Wednesday night, the company announced plans that made that fact painfully clear and, being that Google evidently weighed the decision beforehand, it is unlikely that any protest, no matter how long it trends on Twitter, will get Google to change its mind. Google Reader, for all intents and purposes, is dead.

The death of Google Reader reveals a problem with the modern Internet that many of us likely have in the back of our heads but are afraid to let surface: We are all participants in a user driven Internet, but we are still just the users, nothing more. No matter how much work we put in to optimize our online presences, our tools, and our experiences, we are still at the mercy of big companies controlling the platforms we operate on. When they don’t like what’s happening, even if we do, they can make whatever call they want. And Wednesday night, Google made theirs.

What makes the loss of Reader so painful for so many is there’s a sense when products get shut down, they generally deserve it. The vast majority of startups fail, and the tech companies that do succeed generally spend their time worrying how to stay relevant and interesting to their users—just ask Facebook. So, for many users of Google Reader, this comes as a shock. It feels unjust.

It is possible that Reader's users were lulled into a false sense of security stemming from the belief, that because Google got Reader so right for them, it could never go away. As it turns out, not enough people felt the same way. “While the product has a loyal following, over the years usage has declined,“ wrote Google in its blog post. “So, on July 1, 2013, we will retire Google Reader.”

Even though Google -- at its core a search and advertising company -- didn’t feel it worthwhile to sustain Reader, the void it will leave behind might spur others to create companies focused on a Reader substitute alone. “I think RSS is so important that I'd take a job (leaving MeFi) at any startup aiming to make an improved Google Reader (w/ social features),” wrote Matt Haughey, the founder of, in a tweet following the announcement. “I'm serious,” he added, “and feel free to email me. MetaFilter can continue with the employees running things.”

If there’s one thing the tech world does right, it’s finding problems and fixing them. There is hope, Reader-ites. This is not the end.

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