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    Clean A Greasy Phone With This DIY Screen Spray

    Fingerprints, be gone.

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    Distilled water

    70% rubbing alcohol
    Travel-sized spray bottle

    Microfiber towel




    Hook-and-loop fastener


    1. Mix together a solution of ½ distilled water and ½ rubbing alcohol (70%).

    2. Pour the mixture into a travel-sized spray bottle. Use a funnel to avoid spilling.

    3. Trace the bottom of the bottle on a microfiber cloth with a sharpie and cut out the circle.

    4. Attach the microfiber circle to the bottom of the spray bottle with a small velcro square.

    5. Voilà! Go use your nifty spray bottle and built-in wiper on a dirty cell phone or laptop screen.

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