Cloud Test Lab: Early Access Form
The Google Cloud Test Lab is a platform where you can automate testing of mobile apps on physical and virtual devices.

Every APK submitted to Play Store’s Alpha and Beta channels will be automatically scanned on more than 20 physical devices and get a free launch performance report. Developers who want to run customized testing can eventually purchase it through Cloud Test Lab.

If you would like to learn from Google when this service is available for your use, please enter your email address below.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email Address *
What is the package name of your primary app? *
The Google Maps app package name is "". You can quickly find it from the Play Store URL:
Where is your physical office based?
How many Android developers are in your company?
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What OSs do you build apps for?
How many devices do you currently test on?
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Do you use any remote device farms right now?
Externally hosted physical devices dedicated to testing your apps
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Currently, what are your biggest testing challenges?
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