Havering 'the most Eurosceptic area of Britain'

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havering councilImage source, Havering Council
Image caption,

Havering Town Hall has seven Ukip councillors

The London borough of Havering is the most Eurosceptic in Britain, according to a YouGov survey, external.

Havering's councillors recently voted by 30 to 15 that the UK would be better off out of the EU.

The 10 most Eurosceptic areas are all in England, with Peterborough and Bracknell Forest second and third.

Ceredigion, Aberdeen and Stirling are the most enthusiastic about the EU, followed by two inner London boroughs, Lambeth and Camden.

Havering has seven Ukip councillors, the highest number of any London borough.

Bromley councillors also voted in favour of leaving the EU last week.

The referendum on EU membership will be held on 23 June.

Britain's most Eurosceptic boroughs

  1. Havering

  2. Peterborough

  3. Bracknell Forest

  4. Blackpool

  5. Blackburn with Darwen

Britain's most Europhile boroughs

  1. Ceredigion

  2. Aberdeen City

  3. Stirling

  4. Lambeth

  5. Camden

Image source, YouGov
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Ceredigion is one of the dark green Europhile areas on the map. The most Eurosceptic are purple

Matthew Goodwin, co-author of a book about Ukip and a professor of politics at the University of Kent, said coastal towns and eastern England - which Havering borders - were more Eurosceptic than average.

"You tend to have high numbers of working class residents," he said.

"Of all indicators of Euroscepticism, education is the strongest predictor, so if you leave school at 16 you tend to be far more Eurosceptic than people who went to university."

"Euroscepticism also has strongholds in the more wealthy, Tory shires," said YouGov.

"Apart from in Scotland (all Europhile and one mixed), parts of Wales and London many of the Europhile areas are university towns with lower median ages - Liverpool, Manchester, York and Bristol."

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