Leonardo Mayorga photo Francie childbirthpinterest
Leonardo Mayorga

Last week, a woman named Francie shared the above photo, to a closed Facebook group called NYC Birth as a tribute to her daughter on her first birthday. The image shows Francie and her baby just moments after giving birth on her bed, and is a poignant glimpse into what welcoming your newborn really looks like, including a spot or two of blood, a nipple, and a lot of emotion.

"The night before, I told a friend that I was sure something unexpected would come up on her birthday, since that happens all the time in my mom life," Francie, a birth doula, teacher, and a lactation consultant for hand expression (she works with women across the country to help them learn to hand-express milk, as opposed to pump), tells Cosmopolitan.com. "Sure enough, my husband woke up very sick and spent the day in bed. He missed [our daughter's] birthday dinner. ... I figured I would have a quiet night at home and do some writing in my journal and sharing with my moms' groups, who had been incredibly supportive when I first posted her birth story a year ago." 

Later that night, Francie says she received a text from a friend who told her that she'd been blocked and the photo had been taken down. "My first reaction was, 'Are you kidding me?!'" she says. "The photo has been up in several groups for a year, and I've never gotten anything but positive feedback, and I've never been reported."

When Francie attempted to log in from her phone, she says she was prompted to sign in from a computer instead. She was informed by the site that her photo violated the network's standards of nudity, and was required to analyze several of her other photos (including one of her wearing her baby in a carrier, completely clothed) and confirm they didn't contain nudity. Finally, she was allowed to regain access to her account.

While Facebook doesn't offer any explicit information on childbirth photos like Francie's, the site's Community Standards page states that "genitals, fully exposed buttocks, female breasts (if they include the nipple) are all not allowed." Breastfeeding photos are OK. The site states in its Help Center that "breastfeeding is natural and beautiful, and we're glad to know that it's important for mothers to share their experiences with others on Facebook" and "the vast majority of these photos are compliant with our policies." But since Francie isn't breastfeeding in the image, and her nipple can be seen, the image was considered in violation of the site's policy.

"By the time I was back in the group, I was laughing," she says. "If someone wanted to report it, that didn't affect how I felt about the experience at all. It doesn't take away from her birth. It's still my story, and I'll honor it in the ways that feel right to me." 

Francie says she hopes Facebook reconsiders taking similar action down the road. "Facebook followed their policy to a T, and I hope they now change their policy to allow women to share their birth stories, because that can empower other women, and it can make change," she says. "Birth is an important experience in the life of a family, a baby, and a woman, and to honor it as the amazing process it is — no matter how it looks — could really empower so many. ...  I believe in the power of women, and I believe we have a responsibility to lift each other up."

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Maressa Brown
Hi! I'm Maressa, Cosmopolitan.com's parenting editor. I'm joyfully infatuated with astrology, summer, Cholula hot sauce, loud LOLing, lipstick, body positivity, and investigating anything from the best local cold brew on Yelp to the most popular pregnancy sex positions — for your benefit, of course.