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Tower Dwellers - Indie app of the day

Today's indie app of the day is Tower Dwellers. In this tower defense game, you build an army to defend yourself instead of using just towers. Check it out!

Published onOctober 30, 2014

What is Tower Dwellers?

Tower Dwellers is, you guessed it, a tower defense game. In this title you’ll craft your defenses and then command them in battle as you defend things. It’s $3.99 in the Google Play Store and it has no in app purchases.

Here’s how the game works. You build towers which can then be used to craft yourself an army. During battle you command your troops in real time to defend yourself and you can use magic spells to assist. This is different from most tower defense games which are typically more of a management game rather than a combat game and that’s where Tower Dwellers differs from most other tower defense games.

The game features a non-linear story line so you can choose which path you take and which territories you capture. There is a story line which is entertaining and serves as a reason to continue progressing through the game. On top of the main game there is also a sandbox mode where you can practice and have some additional fun.

Tower Dwellers screenshot
Overall, Tower Dwellers is a very solid offering. There are some unique features and game play mechanics that you don’t typically find in a tower defense game and the story line isn’t that bad. It is $3.99 with no in app purchases but we do wish there was a demo mode to try it before you buy it. If you do plan on trying it, make sure you test it inside of the refund time so you know if you’ll like it or not.

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