Oneplus 2

Oneplus 2 will be revealed on July 27th, and it’ll be the world’s first product to launch in VR. There are 2 specs were confirmed by official: the new Oneplus 2 phone will use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 v2.1 processor, and the latest USB type-c port. Today, a picture leaked on Weibo, and tell us about what the Oneplus 2 looks like.

The Oneplus 2 looks smaller than the One, but use a metal frame material. The screen should be still 5.5 inch, and with a removable plastic back cover. There is stereo speaker on the bottom, and the type-c port is in the middle. The new phone thickness is only 5-6mm, so it’s really slim. The leaked picture is not very clear, so we still need wait for a month.

Update: Oneplus claim the picture is fake.

Update 2: Some pictures leaked from Phonearena:

oneplus 2

oneplus two