Braintree man dies at Malta marathon

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MaltaImage source, Sascha Steinbach
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The Foreign Office confirmed the death of a British man in Malta on 28 February

A British man has died while taking part in the Malta marathon.

Mike Freeman, believed to be 55 and from Braintree, Essex, died on Sunday after he became ill 100 metres from the finish line, Maltese media reported.

He was a member of a local running club and worked at a primary school in the town.

An inquiry is being carried out into Mr Freeman's death and a post-mortem is expected to be held later.

His wife, Nicola, paid tribute to her husband on Facebook.

She said he "loved running" and, just moments before he died, had joked with her about taking part in the event again next year.

Parents of pupils at Notley Green Primary School, where Mr Freeman worked, said the children would "miss him terribly".

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According to Maltese media, a doctor had given him the all-clear to participate after he complained of chest pains two weeks before the marathon.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "Our thoughts are with the family of a British man who died in Malta on 28 February.

"We stand ready to assist them at this difficult time."