• 1995 SC That RX7 with 393k had some dedicated owners. That's crazy. When the Ram 50 sprouts the tall hood and grill in the commercial it could pass for a modern pickup design!
  • Arthur Dailey Two observations from things pictured or written in this article.1) A standard floor shifter with a bench seat. How the heck does that work?2) An RX-7 with nearly 400,000 miles. How many engine swaps would that require?
  • Arthur Dailey Unfortunately from what I read/hear/see most who drive/want old Volvos seem to have very short arms when it comes to paying for anything. And often fairly unrealistic optimism when selling.
  • Blueice Nothing, as I horse uber.
  • CanadaCraig It looks like it has hidden [pop-up] headlamps.