• Joe Chiaramonte Remember, it’s still not an either-or choice: EV or ICE. We’re finishing the first week of a three week Southwest US driving tour: seven states, eight National Parks. With our 2023 Sorento HEV, during a twisty, slight downhill run from Torrey, Utah, to Moab, Utah, I observed a high of 511 MPG. We wrapped up the day over 45 MPG. When I topped off the tank, it yielded 622 miles of range. Every day, I’m seeing daily averages over 30 MPG climbing and descending mountain ranges. This, for a three row, 4200 pound (unloaded) SUV with AWD.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh This weekend I drove 817 miles from springfield oregon to christmas valley, then to wagon wheel (not making that up) down 395 to lakeview to adel to dino nevada to fields onto the alvord for overlanding, then home the back way to hwy 78 to burns.until i can buy a midsize toyota pickup that run 600 miles per charge on solidstate these drive abouts i take are not possible. but i also am the exception. if i were not driving all over hells half acre a 250 mile runabout would be good
  • Jbltg I keep cars for a long time and have done this replacement on two vehicles, so far. Completely worth it and easy to do yourself. Amazon.
  • Zerofoo "What's going on?"Auto manufacturers can't find their butts with both hands.Jokes aside, auto companies know what their customers want, but they are having trouble balancing that with what regulators think we should own.
  • Dave M. From my admittedly limited experience at 8-10 H-K dealers over the past 15 years, they're all kind of shady to different degrees. The closest Kia dealer to the house is a no-go with any of their brands - Kia, Mazda, Ford, Lincoln. He caters to the LCD and its desperation all around.... You feel dirty just driving past his dealerships....