• Blueice Nothing, as I horse uber.
  • CanadaCraig It looks like it has hidden [pop-up] headlamps.
  • Mike Beranek The woman in the ad has that "you'd better have a Cadillac if you want to be with me" look on her face.
  • Mike Beranek Totally agree with you on Elkhart Lake, and for the same reasons. Plus, my mom's family was from this part of Wisconsin- my grandmother grew up on a farm just a few towns away.After that, I'd say Barber, which is super-pretty. And it would it be great to own Suzuka- that's the funnest track on a video game, it must be fun in real life too.Can you buy Spa or is that public roads?Oh, wait- I'll just buy Monaco and then sell it back to them. For double.
  • Sundance Monaco, definitely. Lots of nice bars around the track. 😁