• Bd2 Left uncorrected, this may actually save lives.
  • EBFlex God it’s good to be right. They should move all development dollars to ICE and leave EVs behind as yet another failed experiment. They will be far more successful building what people want.
  • MaintenanceCosts The heat pump is the big news here. This should mean a substantial boost to range in the winter with the batteries that aren't changing and no loss of range in the winter with the smaller "Large" battery.
  • Wjtinfwb Smart. Now, get with Audi and Porsche and work on a state of the art Hybrid system that can be scaled to small products like Tiguan and Jetta and up into larger more powerful products like an A6 or Atlas. VW is really lacking in the gas/hybrid powertrain department, if they want to remain relevant they'll need those in their toolkit.
  • Kjhkjlhkjhkljh kljhjkhjklhkjh There are just less people racing, less events and other tracks that get more traffic. event the assessment by the seller states this. [list][*]On average, Willow Springs track rental rates are 55% below comparable raceways.[/*][/list]SRC: the drive