• Carson D Has the energy storage fire in San Diego burned itself out yet?
  • JMII I think most are missing the point. This is not to power your house, the way I read it the concept is store electrons when production of them is not in demand, IE: over night. Then when everyone walks up and turns on the blender, coffee maker, toaster, TV, etc and electrons are suddenly in high demand you can sell them back from the storage location which is your EV just sitting in the garage. This way the grid is not overwhelmed. It could work, you would be paid to let someone "borrow" your electrons at peak until you could recharge during downtime. Due to surge / demand pricing you would buy low and sell high. I see this working best for people working from home or accessing a plug at work. After all your vehicle spends 90% of its time parked doing nothing and going nowhere. Why not get paid for that idle time? A simple app would could be programmed to cut off the transfer at a predetermined level, lets 30-50% charge so you could still drive home.The lack of outside the box thinkers on this site is getting depressing. Everything regarding EVs is always the worst idea ever 🙄
  • 1995 SC It runs Linux. Why brick it? Just let the open source community have at it.
  • Dave M. Except for some iconic names (Jeep, Ram), Stellanis is circling the drain here in the US. Fiat is a non-entity, Alfa is a boutique brand as will be Dodge with their new EV line up, and Chrysler sadly no longer matters selling one vehicle. All Stellanis products are 20-25% off locally. Sad but it's the circle of life, given the rise of many newer brands in the last 20 years (H-K specifically).
  • Tassos Jong-iL This would not be tolerated in the Kingdom of One Korea.