• Tassos GREAT VALUE for an INTERESTING VEHICLE. Serious Drivers™️ will appreciate it. DANZIG VIP girls will be impressed.
  • IH_Fever The Biden admin hasn't done much of anything besides talk about "progress" while funding more wars, wasting taxpayer money, and blaming the evil orange man for everything.
  • Master Baiter So people who chose to drive cars need to pay extra for hybridization while Joe Six Pack can continue to tool around in his Peterbilt--otherwise known as an F150/Silverado/Ram.
  • Kwik_Shift_Pro4X Imagine when the price of electricity triples because of all the intermittent sources being added to the grid to charge all the electric cars. Then it triples again because road taxes have to be collected on electric vehicles. Then the vehicles themselves triple because there are shortages of lithium and cobalt and copper.I’d break out the popcorn but since it will be up to $80 a cup by then, I will pass.
  • Kcflyer more smoke and mirrors from the installed dodo