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Well Trump?
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Yeah. He looks awful in a completely fake way. It's a terrible quality picture, though. But you can see down at his neck where it looks like there's a cutoff for the makeup. Should have just aged out gracefully but decided to stick around and be a shambling corpse for the tiktok-addled attention spans of an apathetic youth.
He's not as bad as Madonna. Yet. But he's getting there.
the only songs I liked was cleaning out my closet and mockingbird, I had a chance to watch him live and thought hell no
maybe you have bad genetics but 51 isn't even that old, I don't get how boomers who are 60 look like they are 90 on a walking stick, yet my grandfather was 86 and could run around just fine
Tbh his life performances are the only thing I respect him for. Whether you like his music or not, you can't deny that it's impressive to be able to perfectly memorise all the lyrics to dozens of rap songs and perform them live in front of thousands of people.
Yeah but don't you hobbits live to like 140 or something?

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Zogbots pay Lucas Gage a visit over anti-Israel tweets https://x.com/Lucas_Gage_/status/1795623085833388474
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You have the same writing pattern as the anti Christian leaf poster. Now I know you're jewish.
t. Autist
99% chance thats a poonigger
the best strategy for most is never talk to the police but when you're already publicly known then documenting everything makes sense
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those organs of the government only exist to protect jews. if someone actually tried to attack this country that wasnt jewish theyd be caught completely blindsided. just like they were on 9/11, when the jews did it.
Based post

For all of you friendless losers without Instagram, ALL of my friends have shared this shitty AI graphic, in total 34 million and counting have shared it. This is the new 'black square' for BLM. It really seems like 99% of zoomers are supporting Palestine
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I don't understand any of this
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>getting married in current year
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Generation Zyklon is real. It's fucking glorious to see kikes shidding and farting all over the place, oy veying and shouting it's annuda shoah as golems they've churned out to destroy western civilization turn around take aim at their kike overlords.
Get fucked Jews, this is the world you created. Enjoy.
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shoot the sand monkeys back to allah
No Palestinian ever called me Goy.


apart from the first, in no particular order;
fuck discord faggots
fuck kikes
fuck chinks
fuck niggers
fuck jannies
fuck trannies
fuck politicians
fuck zogbots (this will be a work in progress. first place is not-negotiable)

onwards, forever White!

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Yes, yes we are. We are 100% in support of our country. We have bought it up from the dark ages and now we are a global power in resource extraction and processing. Australia, the greatest country in the world
For anyone out of the loop
Wow, what a shock, why are the renewables not ready to cover base load power?
There's something really strange about this that I can't put my finger on


J>ustice Whitby said she was not satisfied Healey had shown any remorse for his actions and she considered him to be a high risk of reoffending against women.

>In a statement, Dr Chaney said the "horrific ordeal" highlighted the need for further action against gendered violence.

>"After seeing many women who have survived violence through my medical career, this has again reinforced the urgent need for a whole of community approach to addressing gendered violence," she said.

>"Women should be able to feel safe, whether at home, at work or in the community."

What difference does it make that it was against a woman? Are they somehow special under the law? If not, why is there so much attention being made in the judgement to the victim being a woman?

I feel like I've woken up from a coma and suddenly crime against women is worse than crime against men
>I feel like I've woken up from a coma and suddenly crime against women is worse than crime against men
this is the case and has always been in this country. nothing new about it. women also always get far lower sentences and better treatment in the courts.

/pol/ humor thead
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Make your own justice then, faggot. I would pour acid on this cunt face if it was me.
Chatbots are the best. I sure hope you're running them locally.
No, but if someone wants to read my sexual roleplays I don't mind. As I don't post sensible information like my credit card info and enable anti cookies and and tracking extensions everything should be fine.
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Legality won’t save your asses from netural law Jew. Your chutzpah has reached its limits. How long do you think you can try to patch your situation ?
Lol captcha : 0TKD
Imagine being such a loser that you spend your time coming onto a public forum that hates you to brag about how special you are.

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jews did this >>469483408
Biden 2024
Trump 2025
Jews spam this board relentlessly. the idea (or at least one of the ideas) is to overload legitimate threads with a bunch of garbage
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>jannies will let this stay up

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Why is the West prohibiting Ukraine to use western weapons to bomb military targets inside Russia?
Russia is a terrorist state and the Russian war criminals use North Korean and Iranian missiles to bomb children in Ukraine everyday.
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Fuck Russia*

Fuck Jewkraine. Every Ukrainian not taking up arms against their jew goverment who sends their brothers and sister to die for jewish agenda and their replacment. Deserves to die for their stupidity that after 2years they did not get yet that its only to kill them. Not more not less. Kill the men and replace them with niggers and arabs
Biden getting a huge payout for allowing it to happen
Following a legitimate referendum, citizens of Donbass and Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine become part of Russia, and in accordance with the constitution, these regions are now legally every bit as much Russia as Moscow or St Petersburg. Any western weapons being used in these regions are an attack on Russia.
Ukraine can get its own hydrogen bomb development going and fly one over moscow from a 3rd world shithole airport on an A320

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Suggested Reading: https://www.biblegateway.com/
Suggested Listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kn9watKIJRM

Galatians 6:2: "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ."

>Diane Abbott readmitted as Labour MP after race row probe
>Family of British grandmother, 52, who was found covered in blood in a luxury Turkish hotel claim she is being 'held hostage by a prison camp private hospital' who won't let her fly home until she pays tens of thousands of pounds in medical bills
>Labour ‘retirement tax hell’ as millions of pensioners to be ‘worse off’ under Starmer
>Sunak reveals he has talked to Boris Johnson about ‘risk’ of Starmer
>Revealed: how touts drew up secret plans to sabotage Labour’s ticket reforms

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>This isnt a footie match where the underdogs might get a lucky goal. The match is already over
tell all the forrins that you're voting reform
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Some argue that's exactly the reason why africans are retarded. They live in a land of abundance. They don't need to do any work to survive. Food grows all year round, and the plains are full of slow-moving docile animals. They had no pressures on them that forced them to do crazy things to survive like discover fire and invent the wheel.
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>rejoins the EU
>sells out to China
>gives children the vote

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If you settle for anything less than a virgin you are a cuck and you deserve no respect from anyone.

I can never understand normies (And that includes most of you) being so angry at cheating, when they accept the woman in their life doing the exact same thing, just before they were in the picture. Seriously look at how normies act, look at their tv shows or movies, they will act as if being cheated on is the worst sin possible and yet be totally okay with their gf sucking some guy's cock before dating the normie. If it's not okay to do in front of you, why is it ok to do before you?
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"I am unable to get pussy, so I'm going to recast my ineptitude and weakness as wisdom and strength"
just as you are free to be a degenerate i am free to judge you for it
you are implying that it is my desire to engage in casual relations. it is not. pure projection
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See this, /pol/bros? This is what you dont want to become. Imagine how many chad dicks she suck
Yeah I know, that's the funny thing about you Germans, you always find a good excuse to not reproduce.

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if war ever breaks out in the balkans, i will fly to argentina
only poors die for jews like in ukraine
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just come over and join the nothing ever happens club. We already have a pacifist president and we shaved 15% off of the war parties' electorate, all that needs to happen is the coming election to affirm the new status quo and we're pretty much out of this war for good
Three day special operation dawg. Which day is it again?
you are part of nato and 1000km from the nukes
Every time this phrase is repeated, one ukrainian civilian dies
nah trust the plan bro we were also a part of the axis too, the only war we fight is the one where we expand

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Is the Indian hate on 4chan organic or some sort of Canadian psyop to distract from failed government?
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If you go on /biz/ you'd see where all that largely came from. They are the worst and most shameless scammers imaginable.

They have enforced email verification or a 15min wait before posts on /biz/ now because they are so desperate and constantly flood the board with shite or begging.
Who's importing all the hoards of shitskins into your country? You faggots are too fuckin stupid. you focus on the arrow and blame it instead of finding who launched that one. Its clear as a fuckin daylight, these people are being imported by jewish agencies and richfags to have cheap labor. Your countries are filled with zogbots that lobby in every possible way.

I'm not saying they are all good ones. Those migrants are worse than niggers, but who imported them. these people ain't just walk in your country, they are bought in ships and the border control does nothing. But if you just want to suck our balls for all your problems, go for it. we don't really give a fuck.

We supported the jews, look what happens, they use us as a decoy. this is what will happen to you as well. we are all goyims to them. they will never be your friend. they would never hesitate to kill you. look ukraine, whites are killed in mass, but you faggots will say "muh russkies" then it will be spain, Italians, you will say "muh meds" and then white americans, you fags would still say "muh its mutts and spics dying in war".

everyone knows its turning into greater khazaria. whites will get drafted and killed in trenches. go trust your senators and politians more, because their kids will be safe, you will die for jews. At this point I don't even know whether you are a real danish or a jewish larp.
lmao that pic is spot on. Missing only "im dalit" or some shit they always spew to appear less brown or whatever
>people aren't talking about the things I want to talk about
your ignorance is what lead to shitskin invasion, leaf anon

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>Blames Colonialism
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Wait, scrap that. He said colourism. I should probably go to bed.
>quebecoise partner
>I feel the ick
>my girlfriend
>can't even spell 'colour' and tells others to learn English
Why is Canada so racist bros?

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I can see your floor
you gay
Repping Deadpool, the Beetles and NYC in any way makes you a FAGGOT.
Just cause I ain't Telvanni doesn't mean I'm gay
any tactical anons verify my opinion on gun storage?
looks like a mental ward room, so she isn't wrong.

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Previous: >>469474583

▶Day: 826 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski
>Russia recorded 30% growth of men with disabilites since 2022 (507 thousand men)
>Spain allocates €1 billion in aid to Ukraine for this year, and €5 billion until 2027
>Second "Voronezh-M" early warning radar hit by drones
>Russian strikes on Kharkiv civilian hypermarket
>Ukrainian forces now control area where Russia pushed into Kharkiv region - Zelenskyy

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Yep. That faggot shills here all the time but unfortunately he has a very selective memory.
>gradually I began to hate them
niestety /k/ to nie moje rejony
they are not aiming for the hole country stupid nigger
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Tanya a cute

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Uhh why the fuck am I starting to see ads like this everywhere? How close are we to WW3?
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We failed at everything in Afghanistan
Wasting trillions in tax payer money
But we killed 100,000 of people halfway across the world because Israel told us to
I fucking hate boomers so much. This is a problem for them, they’re actually terrified that we can’t one up them like sending their grandchildren and great grandchildren to some hellscape trench is like them playing a football match.
We never gained anything for fighting for any of the wars under the empire nor under its continuation with the Jewish order. Just look at the “golden years” when my nation was supposedly vastly wealthy and yet the vast majority of people lived like medieval peasants.

“We” never got anything out of this shit deal
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Look at dem dere loony liberals! So crazy!
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Why dont soldiers just revolt and kill the boomer leaders in every country and replace them with their friends?

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Anti-Nordicism opens up the door for people with heavy arab or mongol admixture into the European nationalist movement.
If you point out the fact that North Western Europeans are the purest Europeans and that there is more varying degrees of purity in Eastern and Southern Europe, you get called a Nordicist.
So if I don't want mongolized Russians or Ottoman looking Bulgarians to breed with pure and beautiful Norwegians then I am the bad guy according to anti-Nordicists.
I'm not saying all Eastern and Southern Europeans should be rejected, they should just be evaluated on a case by case basis because their gene pools can be kind of a sewage.
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The problem with nordicists is that you want people to leave you alone and especially leave your women alone but you still venture into other people’s lands. You still go to Anglo, French, and Mediterranean lands and treat them like a vacation playground, expecting the locals to clean up your messes.

But what I don’t understand is why Nordics, especially in the US form an enclaves in areas that were already Spanish, Irish, Anglo, etc. then outright ostracize these locals. Essentially putting up Jante’s law in someone else’s neighborhood.

Also, why do Nordic people show more distain toward a white with brown features such as hair and eyes, such as an Englishman, compared to a full-on Bantu negro? Your women do this more than the men.
i already said nothing too niggish in features like 2x
you will have to find a better example paco

Haland is ok he needs 1 more generation with someone with a normal face structure

I prefer this as you know
Meds too, it's why Meloni took in 2 fucking million niggers and it never stops.
i know i am being a severe hypocrite but seriously
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>You still go to Anglo, French, and Mediterranean lands and treat them like a vacation playground, expecting the locals to clean up your messes.
I never make a mess, brown people tend to do that more
other than that
>what is tourism
Americans do it way worse than any white folk

>Also, why do Nordic people show more distain toward a white with brown features such as hair and eyes, such as an Englishman, compared to a full-on Bantu negro? Your women do this more than the men
dark features are ugly and you don't want them inside your kids
why have someone that looks like 89 gazillion and dull when you can make something that looks like an angel instead

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Where the hell did everything go wrong polbros?

How are we evolving backward as time moves on? I don't get it.

I used to subscribe to the hook-up culture. I wasn't a grand player so to speak, but man did I have fun with my share of booty. I've dealt with schizos and nice girls and they're all human beings with beautiful souls in the end.

Anyways, this lust slowly turned into a little avoidance of women as time went by. The unwanted attention kept coming (tall Arab guy). Do you know how much it breaks my heart when I walk in the streets and hotties with loving boyfriends google their eyes at me? It breaks my fucking spirit man. These men have no idea how cock hungry these ladies are.

Now it just makes me sad for humanity. Yesterday we were at a crypto show. It's RIDDLED with hot birds looking to cash-grab the next rich guy. And these rich brothers with no self-esteem are falling for it at the drop of a dime. I left this conference early because I wanted to cry for all the men and the women. I had to pop `Harvest Dawn` from Oblivion and imagine a world where we were all God-fearing. A world where we loved each other as humans beyond our looks and what we had. Friendship without sex. Brotherhood without fear of violence.

Every investor I found has a cock-hungry baddie next to him. They were all mate-guarding like crazy. Bruv, I just want fucking funding for my game. What the fuck is this?

Maybe I need to grow the fuck up. When did it all go so wrong? Who can we blame here?

I don't get it any more brothers. Shit makes me feel weak. This culture is killing us!

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Udemy constantly has courses for 9,99€. You have to wait for them to make offerings.
But I fear that the stuff you showed is outdated bar blockchain stuff. But even that is still so for behind in development and market recognition that I’m unsure if there are enough jobs for beginners.
Don’t want to sound so negative my bad.
I don't think this applies to men. Like you said earlier, find a low body count girl. They do exist. It's not reasonable to expect to find a virgin unless you're in high school, but that doesn't mean there aren't women that have been with 2 or 3 guys, that also want a family. If pair bonding is real, not being able to find it doesn't exclude the possibility of a relationship/family because these things are more willpower and value focused anyways. Even the pair bonded have to deal with temptation. Would you rather have a pair bond woman that doesn't have values or want a family or one with a low body count that does have these things?
Should I just lose my virginity to a hooker and be done with it then?
Nah, not worth it. Unless you want an experience that'll turn you off sex forever.
I’ve only ever been with professionals. Most were good experiences but in the grand scheme of things unimportant.
If you got the extra amount of cash and want to do it, there’s nothing wrong with that. Make sure it’s gf experience though and check out if the hooker has good reviews or is in a good brothel.

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