Election 2015: Nick Clegg, a dark room and #bbcqt

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David Cameron said he would fight to avoid making compromises in a "dark room with Nick Clegg or someone"

All the talk of dark rooms on the leaders' edition of Question Time seems to have left many viewers wondering how many politicians it takes to fix a light bulb.

The saga began when David Cameron talked about being forced "into some dark room" to do a deal with "Nick Clegg or someone else" if he fails to win a majority.

Image source, Twitter

That got several commentators asking why such a deal had to be done without the light on:

Image source, Twitter
Image source, Twitter

Could it be a Nick Clegg "thing"? If so, Buzzfeed want to know if you've ever been in a dark room with the Lib Dem leader:

Image source, Twitter

Perhaps we just need to pop another 50p in the meter. Anyone got some change?

Image source, Twitter

Whatever the reason, Robert Hutton, a political journalist at Bloomberg, wants some light shed on the matter:

Image source, Twitter

The mere mention of the scenario left some with images they'd rather not have:

Image source, Twitter

But you didn't need an imagination thanks to @vinspired:

Image source, Twitter

Still, with both Mr Cameron and Ed Miliband insisting they wanted to avoid any dimly-lit discussions with Mr Clegg, it showed just how much has changed since 2010:

Image source, Twitter

Anyway, we're off for a lie down in a dark room.