Your Chance To Spend The Night With Caroline, Jack And Bark

Jack Baruth
by Jack Baruth

Last year, my pals at Third Rock Events threw a brilliant rooftop party in Charlotte, NC for about five hundred of their closest friends. Even constant rain didn’t stop the show. I’m still trying to figure out how I went back to the hotel alone from that one; the women were all gorgeous and highly inebriated. Oh yeah, I remember now: because Bark made me stick around to help clean up.

Good news: the party’s on again this year. $40 for unlimited food, beer and vodka. Our own Caroline Ellis will be working as a hospitality girl. So, you know, be hospitable to her. This time it’s at Charlotte Trolley on August 9th, from 7PM to 1AM. Follow 3rd Rock on Facebook for more details. As soon as the party’s over, Bark and I will be heading to VIR to take part in an actual Guinness World Records attempt. Come hang out with us and meet some of Charlotte’s most exciting people!

Jack Baruth
Jack Baruth

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  • Matador Matador on Jul 17, 2014

    How did all this happen? Somebody just called one woman "tall". I've met tall women before. This never happens, though!

    • See 7 previous
    • Slow kills Slow kills on Jul 21, 2014

      @April Stop unleashing your self-hatred on others. It shows.

  • VoGo VoGo on Jul 17, 2014

    You are more likely to receive an apology when people like you meet the following criteria: - you are regularly insulted for living your life as you see fit, when you do nothing to bother others - you face discrimination in the work environment on a regular basis - you frequently are subject to degradation and threats of violence, just for being who you are - people just like you are beaten and even killed without cause - churches teach congregants to hate you - posters on a website focused on cars populate the message board with slurs, insults and threats of incarceration, and then act entitled and whine for an apology

    • See 1 previous
    • April April on Jul 30, 2014

      @slow kills Again, it would be nice if their was some moderation but to me it is scary to know there is so much hatred and misogyny bubbling under the surface. Some people like to throw the PC word around just because they do not feel they need to respect others that are different than themselves. As if treating others like we wish to be treated is a horrible thing. P.S. Just because some folks here do not recognize transphobic comments as insulting, they are just as offensive as if bigots were spouting racial slurs.

  • Ptcruiser Put a PTEazer nose on it and let Chrysler sell some. Make it a 2 seater with no back seats. Have two or three battery pack versions. Affordable 140 mile pack. 180 mile pack. 240 mile pack. All versions to offer plug in behind seats, pack plug ins under flat storage floor, for EGO batteries for extended range. Room for 4 or 5 across and 2 or 3 rows back. Apartment life could have two home chargers to charge up multiple EGO batteries. EGO batteries would recharge main packs when main packs are below EGO battery level. One way power draw. Since Apartment life is without charging abilities.
  • Varezhka Not the biggest surprise, considering that the new 500 is a platform sibling of a similarly sized (but dead) Opel Adam. And Italy, its biggest market, is not the best market for BEVs. Curious if it will be the same 1.2L I3 mild hybrid as the bigger 600.
  • El scotto Does it have buttons for HVAC and infotainment controls? Steering wheel controls count.
  • SCE to AUX Fiat USA is a joke, and may not exist in 2026. They could put a Hemi in a 500 and nobody would buy it.
  • SCE to AUX "CEO Atsushi Osaki said Subaru remains committed to its horizontally opposed engine because it's a brand-building icon....Mazda CEO Masahiro Moro said his company will develop future versions of its trademark rotary engine to run on carbon neutral fuels and combine with electrified hybrid setups."These statements say a lot about how lost these companies are.[list][*]Subaru sticks with the boxer because it's an 'icon', not because of any technical merits?! Sad - the boxer is a loud, inefficient engine - so they're right. Does anyone actually buy a Subaru for the boxer engine?[/*][*]Mazda predictably killed the rotary range extender on the extinct MX-30 because it couldn't pass emissions. That's the story of its life. It's a terrible engine, but Mazda slavishly wastes money on it every year.[/*][/list]