Vietnam waterfall deaths: South Yorkshire Police work with authorities

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Isobel Mackensie Squire (L) and Beth AndersonImage source, Family handout
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Isobel Mackensie Squire (left) and Beth Anderson

UK police are working with the Foreign Office and Vietnamese officials over the deaths of two Sheffield sisters found near a waterfall in Vietnam.

Beth Anderson, 24, and Isobel Squire, 19, were discovered alongside the body of Christian Sloan, from Kent.

Officers said a "full investigation" was under way into the circumstances surrounding the sisters' deaths.

South Yorkshire Police says the Foreign Office has confirmed the sisters were taking part in a licensed guided tour.

The bodies were found at the Datanla Waterfalls in the Da Lat area of Lam Dong province on Friday. The sisters were seven weeks into a backpacking tour of south-east Asia.

A South Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said: "Specially trained officers are supporting Beth and Isobel's family during this extremely difficult time.

"We are working closely with the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to determine the full details around their death and to keep the family updated on the latest information from Vietnam.

Image source, Family handout
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The sisters died alongside Christian Sloan from Kent

"We have been informed by the FCO that initial enquiries have confirmed that the sisters were taking part in a legitimate walking tour and that the company has an international licence, registered to operate in Vietnam.

"In addition, the tour guide was legally employed by the company and had issued the group with life vests and helmets."

The sisters' family, from the Ecclesall area of Sheffield, have said the pair had been living "a life of adventure". Mr Sloan's family said he had "lived for life".