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Apple vs. FBI

Apple vs. FBI

Questions Hang Over FBI After Apple Showdown Fizzles

The Department of Justice's sudden and unexpected postponement of its courtroom battle with Apple is raising questions about the FBI's handling of the San Bernardino iPhone case.

Justice Department Asks Judge To Reconsider New York iPhone Case

Government lawyers are appealing a court ruling that found it could not force Apple to pull data from an iPhone in a New York drug case. Apple says the government's logic "would start us down a slippery slope that threatens everyone’s safety and privacy.”

Snapchat, Google, Facebook, And Microsoft Come To Apple’s Defense

Silicon Valley heavyweights have rallied to Apple’s side, railing against the government’s case in San Bernardino. But a national coalition of sheriffs and prosecutors has filed their own brief discrediting Apple's arguments and backing the FBI.

Cryptologists And Computer Science Experts Rally Around Apple

A court order requiring Apple to help the FBI unlock one of the San Bernardino shooters' iPhones represents a grave security risk, a group of renowned technology experts argued in an amicus brief released Thursday

U.N. Free Speech Watchdog Will Back Apple In Court

“Encryption allows for zones of privacy that enable all sorts of expression," the U.N. special rapporteur for freedom of expression writes in an amicus brief obtained by BuzzFeed News.

DOJ Wants Apple To Extract Data From 12 Other iPhones

As the FBI and Apple clash over unlocking one encrypted iPhone in San Bernardino, a new document reveals government plans to extract information from iOS devices in 12 other active cases in the U.S.

Tim Cook Asks FBI To Withdraw Order To Hack Terrorist's iPhone

In an all-hands memo to Apple employees and a public Q&A, Tim Cook asked the Justice Department to withdraw a court order that would force Apple to unlock the San Bernardino gunman’s iPhone, saying the company has already done everything within its power and the law to help in the case.

FBI Admits It Urged Change Of Apple ID Password For Terrorist's iPhone

Apple executives face a court order to help create what the company calls a "backdoor" to the phone. [Update: San Bernardino County officials said the FBI had requested the Apple ID password reset of Syed Farook’s phone, which the FBI acknowledged Saturday night.]

Encryption Legislation Looms Over Washington After Apple Court Order

“Apple chose to protect a dead ISIS terrorist's privacy over the security of the American people," Sen. Tom Cotton says, while Sen. Dianne Feinstein vows to introduce a bill to force Apple to comply with a court order giving the FBI access to the San Bernardino shooters' phone.

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