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Why is this suddenly a prediction for "fake" in SwiftKey? I have never written or seen that text before...

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u/ingongingong avatar

This has been a known issue for SwiftKey users. A lot of people have access to other people's SwiftKey predictions and languages. It seems like this guy watches porn.


Absolute genius work by Swiftkey here. By allowing a small amount of bleed through between users' predictions, all questionable predictions on one's own phone become immediately explainable to one's friends and family.


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Bookmarking this post as evidence, in case I ever need to prove this is just a convenient excuse.

You just had to spoil the party, didn't you?. Shame on you.

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u/1080Pizza avatar

I know in OPs case it's a bug, but is there any way to get rid of specific 2 word suggestions permanently? This one time I messaged a friend about a party, saying there was a girl puking in the bathroom. Now frequently when I type 'there was a' I get the immediate suggestion 'girl puking'.

I'm not around puking girls that often so I'd rather get rid of that.

just hold on the suggestion for a second and it will ask if you want to permanently remove it

u/1080Pizza avatar

That didn't work when I tried it before but it does now. Maybe a bug with an earlier version. Hooray!

u/fagalopian avatar

I've found that it usually doesn't work the first time. Whenever I need to delete a word, I'll delete the prediction and then retype the sentence, then delete the prediction again. This normally works for me at least.

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This is how you can disable auto prediction

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Can confirm. I've been emailing with support. Seems they're just becoming aware of it. I had a couple random emails start popping up and other languages, as well.

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u/notwearingpantsAMA avatar

Anyone actually checked if there's anything good yielding with that search term?


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u/epiles avatar

Doing the Lords work son. Good job.

u/moderatelybadass avatar

So appropriate that I opened this, while watching Bill Clinton talk about meeting Hillary, or some shit.

u/themayker avatar

Crap, clicked without going incognito. I wish there was a way to always open nsfw links in incognito automatically.

u/lukef555 avatar

Thanks mate


Fuck. I oepend it with the main window. How do I remove history now


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Did it. Now my personal computer is stuck saying "no boot disk, press any key"

I think I have a virus. And I don't see an "any key". Screw this, I'm done with these personal computers.

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If you're for real: In chrome, ctrl+H, tick the box next to the URL and then hit remove selected items. Firefox is probably similar and I have no idea about IE.


Ctrl+shift+del allows you to clear cache and history in major browsers

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Asking the important questions. 😀

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u/RadBadTad avatar

Part of the cloud method of predictions is it includes some text from other users to help with your accuracy, so while usually your predictions borrow a word like "Spaghetti" from another user and you never know it, sometimes you get things like that that come over as well. It can make for some pretty entertaining suggestions sometimes.

u/gerfy avatar

Because face and fake are very similar and common words.

u/najodleglejszy avatar

ah, the ol' reddit Swiftkeyroo!


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u/gerfy avatar

I guess jokes get lost in translation when written down sometimes.

u/tehreal avatar

It was a bad joke.

u/gerfy avatar


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It's like deliberate Heartbleed.


Implying SSL "Heartbleed" wasn't intentional.


You were never able to target specific data to acquire via heartbleed.


I meant it was left there intentionally. But what do I know I'm just a guy. I'm not the guy.

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u/rasias avatar

I find this really scary. I love the keyboard. But sometimes I get other peoples password as predictions, and that is a big warning sign for me.


How do you know they are passwords?

I guess hunter2 isn't a common term.

u/ForteShadesOfJay avatar

I guess ******* isn't a common term.

Why would that be a common term?

u/nybreath avatar

it is most probably a username more than a password, password aren't predicted

u/morguethanwords avatar

Probably. It could theoretically do that with passwords though. As people do sometimes share their passwords via text or maybe write them down in notes or Google keep. Not good security practices but is a thing people do.

u/rasias avatar

Every site/app doesn't set the input field to "password", which make SwiftKey use prediction for that password. I've had predictions when I write that's like; "Ham$ter442!", yes it could be something else, but to me it really looks like a password..

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'Faketaxi-innocent-student-does-backseat-anal' is literally my Reddit password.

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u/elialitem avatar
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What is this?

u/AgeKayn avatar

I suggest Chrooma Keyboard. It's basically Google Keyboard, but more colorful, feature-rich, and it supports multilingual typing.

Google Keyboard is great. I switched from Swiftkey to it a long time ago

u/Kap06 avatar

Can't use it because I need to use two languages at the same time

Fair point. The reason I didn't think of that is because I only use one language, so it didn't even cross my mind. Sorry :\

u/slappystick avatar

Also because OP didn't request multi-language support.

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I do too, Google Keyboard is fine

u/Kap06 avatar

When I write to my friends, we use a lot of English words as slang and such. Does Google Keyboard work seamlessly like that, or do I have to switch languages every time?

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u/GoodGuyGoodGuy avatar

What..? Switching between two languages seamlessly in Google Keyboard doesn't work for me at all.

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I switched because Swiftkey was giving me some lag issues lately. No problems with Google keyboard and I actually like it a lot.

u/canausernamebetoolon avatar

I have Google keyboard, but lately I've noticed that despite having autocorrect set to "block offensive words," it no longer does. "Fick" is automatically switched to "fuck," for example.

Really? I have the opposite problem. I've had to train it in swear words.


Happens to me too in spanish. The worst thing is that some very common words are similar to extremely offensive ones and that makes me nervous.

Putas excusas.

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Fick ja!

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u/elialitem avatar
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What is this?

To each their own :) I mostly trust Google with my shit.

u/Xalaxis avatar

I trust them the most out of the big companies.

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What exactly is the problem? You use an Android Smartphone, install apps from the Play Store, but are worried about using their keyboard?

u/elialitem avatar
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What is this?

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u/RadBadTad avatar

People aren't getting your suggestions, they're just getting suggestions that Swiftkey has record of having been used in the past. If someone types in "Snorgorgle" a few times, it realizes it's a word that might get used sometimes, and adds it to the library of words suggested. It's used to keep the keyboard updated for slang and all the crazy new words that young people are always coming up with. Your information isn't being passed to other users, and it keeps all usernames and passwords local, rather than adding them to the cloud service.

u/kindall avatar

And in fact I'm pretty sure there's a setting that lets you exclude such ”trending” terms from your suggestions.

u/najodleglejszy avatar

there used to be, but I can't find it right now.

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Your information isn't being passed to other users, and it keeps all usernames and passwords local, rather than adding them to the cloud service.

Uh, so I can actually "game" Swiftkey? I could set up a bunch of emulators and have them constantly write "Trumpsucks", "Shillary" or "Hitlerdidnothingwrong" and people would get these as suggestions?


Sure if that's your thing.

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AI.Type keyboard
Only downside is that it's kinda a resource hog, otherwise it's pretty good


I like being able to add custom keys, is there any other keyboard that does that?

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u/vs8 avatar

Since fleksy died, I'm trying to get used to Minuum. I like some of it, but I still swipe down for punctuation and suggestions out of habit.... Fuck I wish fleksy was still alive.

u/wielderofglamdring avatar

Why is Fleksy considered dead?

u/vs8 avatar

The developer abandoned the project.

u/wielderofglamdring avatar
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That sucks. I've started using Google keyboard, but it keeps auto correcting me when I use slang, and it's annoying to keep hitting backspace. I think I might try out Minuum.

Edit: Oh and also, I don't get suggestions using Google Keyboard in the Google app and Chrome. It's a very weird and annoying bug.

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It might be coming back since Pinterest acquired it.

u/vs8 avatar
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Chrooma Keyboard is awesome. Its identical to Google Keyboard, but it changes colour to match the main colour of each app you have open :)

Plus, it supports the multiple languages dictionary thing you want :)

u/elialitem avatar
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What is this?

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It's been so long since I thought about my swype keyboard I had to check to make sure I was still using it- that's how much I've become accustomed to it and love it

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What is this?

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u/TruthBullet avatar

This feature came with the last update.

Swiftkey now also looks up, how other people call you in their conversations.


u/DepolarizedNeuron avatar

Is Swift key going to fix this? I'm. Incredibly concerned about this prediction issue. I am going to download another keyboard. I wish I could have my money refunded



Perhaps you copied a link containing that text before? That could be why.

u/Kap06 avatar

Haha, could be, but not the case here

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u/robbiekhan avatar

I always liked SwiftKey's autocorrect, just seemed better than the rest. I much preferred Swype's keyboard and layout though, that swipe from the button to C/V/X to cut/copy paste etc is genius.

I might go back to Swype and just let the autocorrect learn more. Currently using Google Keyboard, and it's fine, but I miss the gesture features of Swype. I also have Chrooma Pro, it too is nice, but the autocorrect and accuracy don't feel as spot on as Google Keyboard, even though it is based off Google Keyboard...


Fleksy has the best autocorrection!

u/robbiekhan avatar

But not the best gesture based features!

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u/CGA1 avatar

No keyboard comes even close to Swiftkey's prediction in my native language (Swedish).


Glad I don't have that prediction when I put in fake

u/BillygotTalent avatar

Word suggestion has been getting worse for me the last few months. I am thinking about resetting the app all together.


You're a bad liar.