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    This Plug Automatically Resets Your Router When Your Wi-Fi Is Down

    So simple, so freaking smart.

    When your Wi-Fi stops working, it may be because your router is freaking out and needs to be reset.

    You're not totally sure why this works* but you do it because you have to.


    So, you're watching Game of Thrones and you're about to see the cliffhanger and then.... the BUFFER OF DEATH.

    In most cases, resetting your router will fix your Wi-Fi because that clears up its cache/system so that it's free to load your TV show.

    The problem? Having to get up and actually reset your router.

    *If you're still curious about wtf is going on, you can find a more detailed explanation here.

    ResetPlug ($60) is an outlet adapter that will reset the router so your lazy ass doesn't have to! It's seemingly dumb/simple but secretly genius.

    When the Internet stops working, the plug will automatically turn your router (and/or modem) on and off until the connection is restored.

    Ok, 60 is a lot of dollars to spend on a plug.

    But if you're tired of having to get out of bed, put on pants (oh, just me?), walk over to the router, and unplug and replug the thing EVERY TIME the Wi-Fi busts, it's probably worth it. If you have roommates, you can force them to help you pay for it.

    Plus, if you are your friend and family's de-facto IT person and are sick and tired of telling them to turn their routers on and off, get this adapter for their birthday(s).

    Also if you have devices that rely on the Internet, like a smart security camera or thermostat, ResetPlug will ensure those items stay connected when you're on vacation.

    There are some more affordable adapter options that aren't as smart, but can be programmed to automatically reset your router.

    You can use this timer ($13) or this timer ($15) to program your router to turn off and on when you're sleeping which may help with performance.

    Just remember: home is where the Wi-Fi connects smoothly, soundly, and automatically. <3